Upcoming ACCA’s Practice Room session. Join 

Don’t miss the next ACCA’s Practice Room – the peer-to-peer community series dedicated to supporting small and medium practices (SMPs).

The upcoming session is titled “Implementing technology solutions: Engaging your teams, getting internal and external support”. 

On 23 March, Arshad Gadit, Anastasia Chalkidou, and Eriona Bajrakutaj, who run their own practices in the United Arab Emirates, Greece, and the UK, will look at what it takes to engage teams into implementing technology solutions, as well as the internal and external sources of support available. 

Every practice is about people. So, getting your team on board with every technology innovation you implement is of ultimate importance.
But what does it take to engage them and what external sources of support are there to be used? 

As always, during the session, the participants shall pose questions, share their thoughts, and discuss key considerations to look for in implementing technology innovations. 

You can join the three hosts in the Practice Room by registering here today. 

Χρήσιμα Links


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Quantum Business & IT Solutions
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